Monday, September 29, 2008

From the Archives - Chariot Racing Story

This is the team and the horse after a day at the races. To me, this seemed like a whole lot of work involving several people, just for a quick race which probably lasted less than a minute. However to them, this was something they prepare for all year. It was exciting to watch and be a part of this culture of cutter racing that seems to culminate here in Utah. The National Championships AND the World Championships are held here, although most of the teams are from Utah, Idaho, Wyoming and other western states. I covered these races several times since this first story and will hopefully have the chance to follow another team someday.

1 comment:

Janene said...

Hey! I think I just heard about this a little bit on the Bronco Mendenhall show, just tonight. Random, I know. He was a horse cutter for a time.